
Monday, November 30, 2020

Card board craft M J_h8kf94


Thursday, November 26, 2020

Rube Goldberg Berg Machine

We have been learning about Rube Gold berg Machines. They use chain reactions to do something. Our goal was to trap a ‘monster.’ 

1. The hardest part for me was                                  .

2.  I loved it when                                   .

3. My design was different to my final machine.

Number Story Problems

In class we drew pictures to show multipliccations equations. We flipped equaations to show that the answers the same, even through the stories that the numbers were telling look defferent. Here is my example:

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Number Stories

I took a screen shot of  some maths storys problems and drew/found pictures

to solve the problems.This  helped show the multiplication is repeated addition 

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

The greatest race on earth

this week I read the book about the greatest race on earth So we were  asking questions and telling tricky words to them to see who has it and Brooke has it and the questio was where do they ride?